The Lineage

The Shipibo are a small tribe of people, with a population of around 40,000 who reside along the Ucayali River in Peru. The Shipibo are widely regarded as the masters of plant medicine and see the jungle as their pharmacy. Their tradition can trace its roots back thousands of years and even the Shipibo language is said to have been taught to them by the plants.

Ronon has trained and dieted with the Mahua - Lopez family lineage. The Mahua’s are very well known in Peru and are most definitely regarded as one of the most prominent and unbroken shamanic lineages. There are all sorts of incredible stories of the 3 brothers Benjamin, Gilberto & Pascal.

Benjamin who is now nearly 100 years old and too old to practice, passed down his knowledge to his daughter, Dona Wilma Mahua. Dona Wilma now carries the ‘Don’ and has married Don Enrique Lopez who is the eldest son of Papa Marcos Lopez. Don Enrique is from a small town called Roaboya on the Ucayali river. At the age of 14, Don Enrique began training and working under the supervision of his Grandfather. Don Enrique continued to train and undergo the ‘Dieta’ process into his early 20’s when he started to run his own ceremonies and step into the role of ‘‘Maestro’’. Now in his mid 50’s Don Enrique has almost 40 years of experience working with plant medicine and is in the very top echelon of curanderos in the world.

Don Enrique Lopez and Dona Wilma Mahua

Shortly after Dona Wilma and Don Enrique’s union, Maestro went to Diet on a new piece of land he had brought. During his Dieta, he was shown a powerful vision - He must share his knowledge with people from all over the world. Teach them how to work with the plants and share the knowledge of the Icaros and other secret teachings never before revealed to ‘Gringos’.

Through the power and grace of Noya Rao who is the pure essence of unconditional love and non- duality, Don Enrique established a centre just outside of Iquitos called - Inkan Kena (the Shipibo name of Marusa, and also the Shipibo name of his wife Dona Wilma). Don Enrique and Dona Wilma partnered with Carlos Tanner and began to run initiation courses for people from all over the world who felt the call to work with the plants.

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